How we see the world today
We live in a world where regulatory institutions are captured by financial and political
interests, either unwilling or unable to get to the truth of the issues they set out to investigate
and regulate on behalf of the individuals in society. Without unbiased and comprehensive
research, there is a risk of misguided policy decisions at best, and at worst, negligence and
malpractice. Never has this been more apparent than during the Covid-19 pandemic.
In this context, we need independent agents to act as gatekeepers of the public interest. We intend
to be such agents, and to provide high-quality research to other individuals and institutions who
seek similar outcomes.
We believe in
Empowering individuals with the tools for decision-making, when the regulatory institutions set up to protect them can no longer be trusted with the important decisions that affect their lives.
Asking the tough questions. Undertaking research with an open mind and unhindered by political and economic
Speaking the truth, even though many times this will mean saying, “We don’t know”.
We work by
Applying the principles of scientific rigour. This means that we: Ask questions, collect and analyse data, use this feedback to ask new questions, and refine our answers accordingly as we approach a greater understanding of the truth. We also identify and openly acknowledge possible biases in our work so that these can be challenged and addressed by others working in the same field of enquiry.
Identify conflicts of interest (emotional and financial) and try to mitigate for these. Sometimes this will mean acknowledging that we are not the best people to do a particular piece of research.
Our Projects
The following brochure gives an overview of who we are and the projects we are currently working on:
Other projects. We are actively seeking knowledge, data sources and collaborators to work with us on our current and other projects. Examples of projects under consideration are:
Data gathering and investigation on vaccinations over the past century.
Investigation into the human health effects of potable water fluoridation.
Investigation into the limits of human lifespan.
And others.